Curle's Passage Conservation
Curle’s passage dates back to the 1700s, and is in need of cleaning, conservation, and replacement of decayed stonework. In April 2024, the Stonemasons commenced work on this restoration project.
Font Conservation
What is conservation and why does it matter?
Objects are vulnerable to deterioration over time. Fluctuating temperatures, light and humidity levels can cause damage to historic books and objects, as can dust, insects and mould.
Routine maintenance and monitoring help us to lessen the risk of damage. However, the Cathedral is a large and complex building, difficult to heat and very humid. Climate change makes these challenges even greater, increasing the need to invest wisely in conservation.
Library Fund
The Library Fund supports the conservation of our library collections, including binding repairs, environmental condition surveys and improved storage for our manuscripts and early printed books. If you would like to learn more about what you can do to support the Library Fund, contact sue.perrin@winchester-cathedral.org.uk or alternatively, call 01962 857231.
Conservation Fund
The Conservation Fund supports the conservation work of our objects, including specialist cleaning, condition surveys and improved storage. If you would like to learn more about what you can do to support the Conservation Fund, contact sue.perrin@winchester-cathedral.org.uk or alternatively, call 01962 857231.