Join Donna Jones for a fascinating midweek talk which will uncover the unseen work of Street Pastors.

Winchester and Southampton Street Pastors talking to Donna Jones, Police & Crime Commissioner for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

Street Pastors are the Florence Nightingales of the night, offering care, help and support – including even flip-flops – to night-time revellers who find themselves in difficult or potentially dangerous situations. They aren’t police, paramedics or bouncers but ordinary people of faith voluntarily doing extraordinary work to make our cities safer at night. Hear first-hand from the Street Pastor Christians, their stories, experiences and the crucial role they play in protecting people at their most vulnerable.

This talk is free of charge, but pre-booking tickets is essential. There will be the opportunity to donate on the night to the Street Pastors charity (suggested donation £5, cash only).

The duration of the talk is one hour.

Join in person or online

Can’t make this event in person? Don’t worry, a link to join the event will be sent on the morning of the event (4th October).


This event is in partnership with the University of Winchester.


Browse through the images below to see Winchester’s Street Pastors at work. Photo credit: Winchester Street Pastors.