Contact us
For urgent calls please call 01962 857217 (this line is for press and media only)
How we can help
- We send regular media releases – please contact us if you’d like to receive them
- We allow coverage of most services and events although there may be times when the nature of a service limits access and permissions are required
- If we know you intend to cover a service or event, we will try to arrange adequate facilities in advance
- We have an ISDN line available for use
- We can provide additional electrical power via a dedicated sub-station with advance notice
- We have a strong signal to all communications satelites and links
Need to know
Copyright: Although special arrangements may be made regarding copyright, the intellectual property of Winchester Cathedral, its contents and environs will remain that of The Dean and Chapter of Winchester at all times.
Fees: News coverage will not normally attract a fee however, a fee may be charged for features-led items or those requiring special access.
Useful contacts
For the Diocese of Winchester and Bishop of Winchester’s Press Office
Email Jemima Lewis, Head of Communications and Engagement, or call them on 07384 547132. For further information visit
For the Church of England Communications Unit
Email the communications team, or call them on 020 7898 1326. Out of office hours, call 07774 800 212
For further information visit