With 24/7 security protocols in place, employment of expert security professionals, and ongoing collaboration and intelligence exchange with the Police and other security minded organisations, you can be reassured that the welfare of all who visit the cathedral is a top priority.

Safety and Security
What can I bring to the cathedral?
We recommend bringing a minimal amount of personal possessions with you when visiting Winchester Cathedral.
Only assistance pets are allowed e.g uniformed guided dogs wearing clear piece of working equipment (identifiable collar/lead)
Please see below items which are not permitted:
- No large bags e.g. suitcases, this is due to the historic nature of the building (please note that unfortunately we don’t have a luggage storage area)
- No food or drink (please bring bottled water only)
- No glass bottles or containers, opened cans, spray paint, alcohol, sharp objects such as knives, or any other item which could be deemed to potentially cause damage to the fabric of the cathedral or cause potential harm to others
- Items connected to protests
- Drones are not permitted, if you’d like to seek approval for commercial photography using this equipment please email cathedral.office@winchester-cathedral.org.uk. We do allow for use of tripods/monopods alongside a valid annual pass, for non-commercial photography. We just ask that you avoid using the equipment on the medieval tiles, and to please be courteous to other visitors who will need to move around them. Please also be careful not to block entrances or disrupt services. For all commercial photography requests you will need to seek permission prior to your visit via cathedral.office@winchester-cathedral.org.uk.
Please note that if a visitor arrives at Winchester Cathedral with any illegal items in their possesion (eg pepper spray, weapons or knives), our teams will call the Police.
Winchester BID Rangers
Working closely with the Police and other agencies, the Winchester BID Rangers scheme was introduced in November 2018 to help reduce business crime and provide additional security in the city centre. The Rangers are security trained and accredited and patrol Winchester city centre streets, including the cathedral grounds, as part of the BID’s commitment to providing a safer environment and to help reduce low level crime and antisocial behaviour.
The Rangers also play an important ambassadorial role in the city and help tourists and visitors with directions, information and assistance.
To contact the Rangers, please call 07547901823 or send an email to: winbid@venturesec.co.uk. You can find out more about Winchester BID Rangers here.
Seen something unusual?
If you’ve come across something out of the ordinary, or something didn’t feel quite right, we urge you to trust your instincts and report this by:
- Reporting it to any police officer or at gov.uk/ACT
- You can also report suspicious activity by contacting the police in confidence on 0800 789 321.
- Always call 999 in an emergency.
It’s better to be safe than sorry and all reports will be taken seriously.
Please be reassured that if a member of Cathedral staff witnesses any suspicious behaviour, every step will be taken to follow the correct protocol.