May I thank all those who have wished me well in my role as Interim Dean of Winchester, and for the public expressions of confidence I have had from Bishop Philip, Dean Catherine and my former colleague Mark Byford. These endorsements are important as public ministry in the Church must be authorised, both legally and communally. Without the active consent of the communities in which we serve, we cannot expect a fruitful or effective ministry.
Dean Catherine has shown herself willing to work to the highest and most honourable standards of accountability in her response to the Bishop’s Review. We accept her stepping back with great regret and sadness, but with admiration for the integrity it demonstrates. She believes that stepping back will allow the Cathedral she has served and loved the opportunity to move on. In doing this, Dean Catherine has acted with the best interests of her community at heart.
I would like to apologise myself for my part in the dysfunction of Chapter which has led to the mistakes and failures outlined in the Review summary. I am aware that many are asking, have we reached the end of the matter? The answer is, not yet. The Review comes to clear conclusions about what has gone wrong, where bad behaviours have occurred, and what needs to happen if we are to reach the settled future that Bishop Philip hopes for us.
The Bishop’s Review encourages Chapter to transparency and radical candour, so we have agreed to publish reviews of our progress every three months, citing the recommendation/s we are addressing, but starting immediately with the issue of team dysfunction. The Bishop of Winchester did not require this public scrutiny, but we want to be held accountable for the progress we are making. Chapter is seeking to lead effectively, that is, with the support of our community, because there is no other way for the Cathedral to move forward into a healthy and settled future.