Winchester Cathedral is pleased to announce the appointment of Oliver Morrell as Sub-Organist. Oliver brings experience and talent to our music team, and we are excited to welcome him to our community, starting in September.

Oliver says, ‘I am delighted to be joining the team at Winchester and play a part in its rich and distinguished musical tradition. I have been incredibly fortunate to gain experience at cathedrals and churches with significant choral foundations, and I look forward to bringing what I have learned to the worshipping community at Winchester.’

Oliver has served as Organ Scholar at St Albans Cathedral since September 2022, where he has played a pivotal role in accompanying various cathedral choirs, including on tour and in recordings. Additionally, he conducts the Abbey Singers and accompanies the St Albans Bach Choir. We eagerly anticipate the contribution he will make to worship and liturgy at Winchester Cathedral.

Further information can be found at: